The second day of Chinese New Year is almost over. Ang pau collection is not as thrilling anymore as I become older. The only fun thing about CNY is about the food. There is a lot to eat. A chance to gain weight too.
Going to Seremban tomorrow to visit grandma. Hope she doesn't scold people anymore when we visit.
Just want to wish everyone continue to eat more this festive season and don't be afraid of getting FAT!!!
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Second day into the Dragon Year!
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Dragon Year Eve
This afternoon, when I looked out from the mini balcony, I wss momentarily mesmerised with the beautiful colour of the sea today. Just today, I realised that it was beautiful.
I had a great view from where I live. :)
My dinner just now at KFC. One of the places which did not increase its pricing during the festive season.
My snack plate. Did not order the dinner plate as that consisted of 3-piece chicken which I did not have the stomach for.
Happy Chinese New Year to everyone! May this Dragon year be a blessed one filled with happiness and success.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Second post of 2012
It's way past the mid of January and here I am, updating the second post of year 2012. The Lord has been good to me so far, I shall not dwell too much on the details before it is realised. Just to sum it up, good things are coming my way! That's a lame attempt at trying to be cryptic, I know.
The Dragon year will be here in about 4 days. I have prepared my ears to the sound of fireworks. I wonder if the dogs are afraid of the fireworks? After all, this is their first CNY with us.
The place where I am staying now is decorated with some lanterns at the guard house as well as this banner in front of the elevators.
Fatty Girl and Fatty Boy wish you a very prosperous Chinese New Year.
Even my workplace attempted to bring the festive air into the cafeteria.
One day, when I was having lunch, I spotted this lime tree that they have put up to symbolise that CNY is soon to be here. And if you noticed, there's a firecracker hanging by the wall!
The best part of it all, I got ang pau packets from the hotel!
But they are all empty. All ten of it. How I wish they would fill it first before giving it to me.
Nice or not? I am proud to be a part of Shangri-La! Not because of the packets only, okay? Hee hee...
Latest update:
I just came back from dinner about an hour ago and this is what I had.
Nasi goreng kampung from Uncle Pinang Emas' shop. I will visit him more often because I miss the food there!
Mom said I should be writing a 1500 words but I think the year will end by the time I am done writing. Even my favourite cross-stitching is taking ages to finish because I have ample time but not for it. Working life does make you feel lazy to face the computer for another few hours.
This is already my best effort to update. It is quite an impressive length, I'd dare say.
So, mom, what do you think? :)
Wednesday, January 04, 2012
The Elles reluctant to go to the vet!
It is another day to the vet again and the Elles were very excited about getting into the car, unbeknownst to them it would be a visit to the Dr. Gilbert.

Where are we going? Where are we going????

Elly being joyous.

Elsa tried to contain her excitement and remained calm in the moving car.

They could not help it but to let their tongues out of the mouth again. What a relief!! They are still wondering where they are heading to.

Nearing the destination.

Still in a blur state until the moment they got out from the car.

Some dogs abandoned outside the vet.

Isn't she a cutie?

Another dog

Cute expression

And a couple of kittens too.

Two of them together.