Another two days of working and I will be back to Ipoh for a 6-day holiday.
Another two days of working and I will be getting my salary.
Now that's something happier to share about.
This morning, Elaine and I went for breakfast at the famous nasi lemak stall opposite Rasa Sayang. Now I understand why it's famous. I've been wanting to try for a long time but because I am staying 20-minute of walking distance away, I never got the chance to. Thanks Elaine for fetching me! :)
And we ordered teh tarik as the accompaniment to the nasi lemak that we had. Bravo to mom for she guessed correctly what I had. How is that you are able to guess it's teh tarik before I tell you? You really have bionic eyes nose and eyes to see and smell what I am up to. Hehehehe!!!
Oh and the only picture I have with Joan.
At Pastamania, the empty restaurant!
I think today will be a good day although my alarm clock died on me this morning. Just changed the batteries and it is working fine again. :)
Have a great Monday, everyone!
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
3 weeks ago
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