I always love to work in the morning but not on Sundays. Why? The Sunday Brunch is always a crazy period. Today is no exception. Tomorrow will definitely be a better day. It always happens that way. :)
Every day, I can't help but to think that I am truly blessed in every way. I am so happy every moment of my life. Before this, I thought that I would be miserable but no, I actually enjoyed myself up to this moment. Training life has been fun so far. I will definitely savour every moment I have because this half of the year is very important and precious. Besides, the chance only comes once.
Back to today.
I had ayam masak merah with rice for lunch and nasi goreng kampung for dinner. I had an awesome meal. Delicious. Sumptuous. Yummy. Just put in any positive adjective that you can link with food. Penang is a haven for food!
Spent quality time with Kah Men eating this. :D
Going back to Ipoh the day after tomorrow! Though it will be a short trip, I know I will enjoy myself tremendously.
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
4 weeks ago
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