Coincidentally, my off day is the same with Lynn and we went out as early as 10am for breakfast at McD then to Gurney Plaza to watch two movies; The Roommate and Red Riding Hood.
In my opinion, The Roommate is quite interesting as the psychotic roommate is portrayed insanely well. Red Riding Hood on the other hand, provides suspense as to who is the real werewolf. I didn't manage to guess the werewolf so I suppose the plot is good. :)
The highlight of the day was of course food. The main talk about Penang is always about the food. The most famous place that everyone knows has the widest variety of food is Gurney Drive!
Pasembor, rojak and the best laksa in Gurney Drive from stall 11.
My first bowl of cendol after staying in Penang for almost 4 months.
Fried oyster. Delicious!
Wei Theing who doesn't eat oyster asked whether she can only order the fried egg in future without the oysters. So funny! Hence, the name of the stall should be changed to Fried Egg Or Chien.
Chatted and laughed and finally we bade farewell at 9pm. That was one long day out! The next one might be two weeks later. Hopefull we can make it!
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
4 weeks ago
1 wrote a note:
At first I thought the real werewolf was Peter then I swap my thinking to her granny and I was wrong. How I wish I can have some of those food too. Did not sell those over here.
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