Semester 4 is officially over! So college mates and I went for karaoke session at K Box and Strawberry Moment at De Garden for a celebration. It was also a farewell for Rooney and Kah Men as they will be going for their training after this. We will definitely miss you both!
Met up at 4.30pm right after Ju Dee's final paper and we really had so much fun singing and snapping pictures.
All pictures are snapped by our dutiful photographer, Khor Ju Dee. If you like, you can rate the pictures by leaving a comment. Photos will be numbered for rating convenience. Only Ju Dee is not allowed to rate her pictures because she will put 10/10 for every single one.
#1 The last four HND (HM) students in college.
#4 Ju Dee and I
#5 Mickey and I
#6 Four of us again

#11 From left: Fresh Strawberry Juice (Patricia), Frosty Strawberry Drink (Mine), Iced Strawberry Tea (Ju Dee), Strawberry White Coffee (Kah Men)