Back from an encounter with God (25th-28th Feb) and I have known Him even more. The three days in Bandar Utama had given me a lot of fruitful experiences which I will not have the chance to gain from anywhere. Albeit tired, I pulled through all the sessions with God's strength. Suffice to say, I am fully rejuvenated and have the passion in most things that I need to do right now. All thanks and praises go up to the Lord! Amen!!
The thing I hate about coming back to reality is that I have to face the problems that I don't have to during Encounter. Well, I should not be complaining. There are many people out there who want to be in my place instead of theirs (although I do not know who but I am convinced I am being envied somewhere in the whole wide world). Be grateful. Okay, I will try. :-)
Two assignments down and now I'm 'frying' my final 'recipe' for Hospitality Operations Management assignment. Hope it will end up DELICIOUS!
Treasure Madness is giving me super HUGE temptation. Why release the new maps now? Sigh. You got me digging up for treasures when I am supposed to kill those word counts.
P.S. Just want to say, I love you, mom. I think I haven't said that in a while. Muah!
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
4 weeks ago
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