It wasn't a good idea to go to school on a Saturday as everyone would be having the expression written I-am-not-interested-and-I-wanna-go-home on their faces. Not only the students, though. One down, two more to go! There was also an unpleasant drama to watch in class which i do not wish for it to happen again in future lessons. It was just terrible to experience it. Fear was present. The monstrous form was definitely not in right mind to think of making such a scene in front of everyone present in class. A poor girl became a victim of his loud and unnecessary thunderous voice measured approximately a few thousands Hz.
The Era Awards Show this year was a blast. The theme for this year was 'Denim and Leather' so every star was donned in clothings of such materials by well known designers. Amber Chia made special appearances during the fashion shows at intervals. Fortunately, no one tripped and fell. The runway actually looked slippery.
Sarah's leaving on Tuesday and I wonder when I'll be seeing her again. A special line here dedicated just for her: Have a safe journey to Moscow and enjoy all that life has to offer. =). I'll continue my noble duty to bombard your mailbox with all the interesting mails that you like.
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
4 weeks ago
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