You Are 20 Years Old |
![]() Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe. 13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world. 20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences. 30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more! 40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax. |
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
what? i am 20??
my power colour..
Your Power Color Is Red-Orange |
![]() At Your Highest: You are warm, sensitive, and focused on your personal growth. At Your Lowest: You become defensive and critical if you feel attacked. In Love: You are loyal - but you demand the respect you deserve. How You're Attractive: You are very affectionate and inspire trust. Your Eternal Question: "Am I Respected?" |
Monday, February 27, 2006
On uneventful days like these, i have absolutely nothing going on my mind. Maybe some unnecessary thoughts but those don't count, do they?
However, I will continue with my updates. I'll do a countdown.
14 days to go. I guess you know what event will be held on that day. You know very well, I know.
And I am suffering from some sort of a joint pain on my left wrist. Whenever I try to twist it 360 degrees, the area straight down from the little finger aches. Ouch!
Thursday, February 23, 2006
i don't know but i wanna go back to school!!
It's not as thrilling as I think it would be to be home alone. You see, you get to surf the internet all you want and watch tv till late evening or even sleep. No one cares.
And that's why it's not at all exciting.
I realised it's more fun to have siblings around to snatch the computers and the remotes from you and you are left with nothing but books.
Before, I used to wish that how nice it would be to be the only child in the family, which means, the only treasured jewel of my parents.
Now, when they go to school and my parents had gone to work, I feel lonely. Yes, the Lonely song by Akon is playing in my head repeatedly till my head spins.
I've loads to read and when I am too free to be real, I just feel the energy and the interest to read seeping away from me, leaving just an empty heart for nothing that I do can fill it with satisfaction or happiness.
With dull days like these, I really want to go back to school. No matter how stressful it is, I want to go back so desperately.
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
bored. bored. bored!!!
I almost fell asleep watching Oliver Twist when I shouldn't. Went to Jusco again today and I saw my dream phone. There's another phone which model I don't know of (it just arrived yesterday) attracted me. It's a twist phone. I'm not sure how much it costs, I only know it's about RM1600 and above.
My life is so boring now that all I talk about every day is about my trip to Jusco, phoney phones and tv programmes that I watch. I've given up in watching Green Rose. Actually, I never takes up the patience to watch the slow-moving show.
Mom will be cooking spaghetti. I am so happy and all excited to eat spaghetti. I am already hungry at the thought of it.
I heard an utterly bad news. SPM result will be out on 13 March 2006. Some said on the 10th but it won't be making a big difference. Hope I won't have a heart failure on that day...
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
I feel really tired at times. And the worst part of it? I can't sleep.
Just as I planned to watch a drama on tv, then my eyes started to droop and dozed off..
I can't sleep when I am suppose to and when I don't want to, there goes my eyes.
Last night, I was tossing on my bed struggling to have a good night sleep. I had difficulty breathing. I know I had a terrible blocked nose and sleeping with it can really kill. I am more than thankful when it finally got unblocked..

I so wanted to buy. But it was a bit pricey though. RM1599 if you are using credit card and RM1588 if you are paying cash. I rather buy Nokia 6101.
Friday, February 10, 2006
dear anonymous..
I just hate it when someone thinks so highly of herself when she's not. I'm dedicating this post especially to someone whom I do not know personally so I will keep her anonymous. It's not very usual for me to write this but I just can't stand a sore loser like her.
love's in the air but not in the air around me..
Watched Big Momma's House 2 with Evelyn just now and I think it was a pretty good show. It's about an FBI agent who impersonated as a nanny to track down a case. Then, we went to SHADES and saw Siew Wei there. And I am still rotting at home. Not exactly rotting because at least i get to cook to shake off those moss around me.:)
Valentine's Day is approaching but I don't feel anything great about it. It's just a one-day thing where girls are happier than most of the other 364 days because they'll be receiving treats and surprises from their special ones. But it's the other way round for the guys. This will be the day they will cut a hole in their pockets just to buy expensive chocolates, flowers that wither before you know it and pre-booking restaurants months ahead for that special day. Is it all worth it? I am not splashing cold water but it's the fact, that's what I think. So, to those who are coupling (if there is such a word), please don't take what I am saying so seriously coz it's merely an opinion from me.
The 15th day of the first month of the lunar year is fast approaching. My mom had asked me to write my h/p number, home address and also email address on an orange before throwing it into the river. She said that this will ensure me to get a good boyfriend. Well, I don't believe her and I told her I will throw it into the drain. Why? Coz it's nearer to my house and the river is quite a distance away. There's a big one at the junction towards my house. I can throw it there and no one will bother to pick it up because of the stench. I've never known anybody who finds their true love that way. Maybe in the olden days the Chinese do that, but no longer. To me, it's a form of water pollution.;)
memoirs of a geisha..
You will laugh your heart out after watching this. This is Memoirs Of A Gay-sha...
I wonder what Sayuri a.k.a Zhang Ziyi will be thinking if she were to watch it. Enjoy!
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
school magazine is out..
I've got my copy so if any of you still don not know about it, go and grab it from the school office. The pictures in there were great and the articles too.
Friday, February 03, 2006
SPM result will be out in two years' time!!
My mom told me about her fascinating dream last night. In the dream, she was accompanying me to take my SPM result in school but the teacher told her that the result will only be out in two years' time! My mom asked her about those students who will be sitting for their STPM examination in two years.
"Oh, you don't have to worry. The STPM examination has been abolished."-teacher.
"Then what are they going to do in these two years?"-mom.
"They are going to go for national service while waiting for the result, of course!"-teacher.
And I thought I was the only one who's been thinking about the result. My mom really has creative imaginations!
Thursday, February 02, 2006
some things..
Time is passing too fast. It's already the fifth day of Chinese New Year. My red packet collection is not that great as I haven't been going visiting much. Saffy is getting on my nerves now. This morning she shitted at mostly every corner of the carpark and I had to wash it. The most interesting part? I chased her across the carpark just to bathe her.I mean is there such species of the DOGS which hates water? She's the first one I've ever known. Maybe she's not a dog after all. She might be some kind of weird creature that looks like a dog.
I've gotten in touch again with my long lost internet friend. Got her number and her new email address. How thoughtful of her to wish me on my birthday. I never thought she'd remember, and she DID!! Will be contacting her more often now that she's staying in KL. I feel a wee bit of guilty because I don't remember her age when she's remembering mine.