a dog came into my house today..a stray dog..i was shocked when he went near my puppy which was in the cage then..it was really lucky i managed to shoo him away..and now, i am worried whether he will come back again..the funny thing was, saffy only started barking when i started shouting at the dog to get him out of the compound..lol..
spm will officially say farewell to me tomorrow..or rather i am the one saying goodbye to it..so glad that it's FINALLY over..change of plans..not going to work during the holidays..maybe watch movies and laze around at home..or spend more time catching lice from saffy..lolz..
will be going to malacca on the 8th so this will be my very first trip after spm without having the guilt of not studying anymore..i can enjoy myself to the fullest for once..
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
3 weeks ago
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