wouldn't life be great if we don't have to worry about things? just things..something is bothering my mind but i am not quite sure what it is..i think i am going psycho..that's one good way to put it..even when it seems that everything is absolutely okay, it isn't..had you ever had that feeling that what we did and accomplished are not good enough? well, i am feelling that way..just hope that tomorrow will be a better day..every time i go to sleep, i think about things that had happened and about to happen..this is one of my lousiest posts written on a wasted day..
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
3 weeks ago
2 wrote a note:
seriously, they really are bloody annoying.
i never expected a post like this from someone as cheerful as you, but i suppose the bug bites everybody, eh?
i know where i want to be tomorrow. le sigh~
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