it was about ten something in the morning when the phone rang..guess who??
you wouldn't have was puan mom answered the call and woke me up..
"your teacher wants to speak to you,"said my mom.
"puan nalini."
i was half awake that time and took the receiver from my mom..
"i'm puan nalini here..just want to inform you that...."
..i was blurred and couldn't really get what she was telling me..
"...the dinner...21st November.."
"what? 31st November, teacher?? is there such a date??"
"no, i said 21st better dig your ears.."
i didn't know why i heard 31st instead of 21st..maybe i was not fully awake yet..then i passed the receiver back to my mom..
"we'll be going to cameron on that day.."said my mom..
the conversation went on..
it just seemed to me that my mom could really chat with puan nalini like an old friend..
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
3 weeks ago
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