Saturday, March 26, 2011

Are you ready for food?

My laptop bluetooth suddenly doesn't work anymore. So I can't upload any pictures to blog. The only alternative would be to send the pictures via MMS to my mom and she will do the uploading for me. Thank you, mama!!

I don't have any interesting things to update other than food because I am working in the food service department and I would like to make you salivate.

These days, I have been working in the morning shift and I usually have my breakfast at the hotel cafeteria.

Char Koay Teow

During lunch yesterday, I saw this for lunch too. I knew it was from breakfast. Hahaha!!!

Went to the shop below Pinang Emas flat and ordered economy rice.

Sambal egg, fried chicken and some fish gravy on rice.

The gravy tasted very good and I wished I had bought some bread.

The next morning, which was this morning, I had fried noodles. I usually am not a fan of noodles but I was hungry so I ate.

The taste was not too bad.

During lunch, I had some rice and fries and fish fingers.

Oh and cabbage too. With a mixture of chilli and tomato sauce at the side.

Dessert - Pineapple rojak

Going to church soon. Hope it has stopped raining. :)

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