Friday, November 25, 2011

Shaved Ice

Another month to Christmas! This entry, however, is irrelevant to Christmas. :P

A couple of pictures for you to whet your appetite. Not pictures of solid food but something even better.

What is better than something as cool and refreshing as these on a warm day?

Ice kacang from Woolley for her.

Lemon with shaved ice for me.

Time speeds when I am lazing at home. Back to work again tomorrow. :)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Macarons with ♥ Part 2

The football match is over and everyone is asking for a public holiday. I don't mind if there is one but I don't think there will be one since it's just another gold for SEA Games.

So I am back home for six days and I enjoy lazing around at home without having to hear the phone ringing. I shall treasure this moment of relaxation and solitude before I get back to work soon.

Got myself a half dozen + 1 macarons from Miss Nurainie! This time, the flavours are all different. Do check out this page for the flavours this month!

Are you drooling already? Eunice loves it!

Glad you love it, sis! Next time, it's your turn to give me a treat. :)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Nearly hospitalized

This week has been passing by extremely slow. So this is what sickness does to time. To slow down time so that you will feel tortured longer. Tortured enough for you to finally defeat and seek help from the doctor.

I am very terrified of being sick. Extremely. It's because when I start falling sick, it will last for days or even weeks. For this time round, I thank God for His quick healing Hands and I am recovered within a week.

The high fever should be gone two nights ago but I suddenly fainted minutes before my shift started and that triggered a brand new episode of me going to the hospital in the wee hours in the morning doing several tests and scans (they even scanned my brain!!) to ensure that I was really well enough to go home. I was even wheeled around the emergency hall, something I really hate because I it made me feel even more helpless. The results that came out were, well, suffice to say, I was generally healthy except for a mild infection in my blood stream which could have been due the fever I had. The MO was not convinced and said a person did not fall into unconsciousness for no reason so she referred me to a cardiologist the next day.

Okay, this got me worried. Why refer me to a heart specialist??

I had a restless night thinking about there might be something wrong with my heart. Then I woke up with a headache and went to the hospital once again in apprehension. And the result that came out from the echo was all right.

There is nothing wrong with my heart (except for a slight trembling of the valves but the doctor said it should not be a problem).

So tomorrow I am going back to work. You cannot understand how glad I am to be back like a normal person. :)

Friday, November 04, 2011

It's Friday!!!!!!!!!!! My first post in November!!!!!

Deepavali just ended and Rajesh gave me a container of cookies!

I have finished more than half of them.

I have the appetite for sweet desserts these days. For instance, I had this yesterday.

Some strawberry tarts. So delicious that I finished all three. Yum yum.

I was so excited today because I met Wei Li today! We had lunch together and even got ourselves Chatime!

My bento - Unagi Don (RM16.90). I spoil myself once a week. Hehehe!!! Wei Li and I ordered the same bento! The best of the lot, I should say.

My first time trying Chatime! It was delicious. The best I have tasted though it's RM5.90 a cup.

After that, I went to watch In Time alone as Wei Li has to attend a class at 3pm.

The movie was really interesting. Imagine if you were to live in a zone where everything must be purchased with time. At the same time, your lifetime is doing a countdown. How can you sleep then? Sleeping would mean you would lose 8 hours which could have helped you to get some groceries done. If someone tries to rob you, he would not say, "Money or Life?" because money IS life.

That's just a little something about the movie. Just go watch it! You will not regret it.