Went for a movie today and it was indeed an interesting movie. Funny yet touching at the same time. Bought a popcorn and a bottle of mineral water too and I couldn't finish it. As a matter of fact, I just finished the popcorn just now. It was just too sweet.
My sweet popcorn. RM6.20 set.
Oh did I mention I got free pantyliners given to me as soon as I walked into Prangin Mall? Guess I will be giving them to my sister. Hehe..
My early dinner at 4pm just now before going to church.
Char Koay Teow! RM3.50 only!
The sermon today was by Mr Lee Wee Min, the Regional Director of Focus on the Family. It was very interesting and he can be humourous at times. He also shared with us this poem by Linda Ellis, The Dash.
This video is very inspiring and it makes you think a lot about life.
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
4 weeks ago
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