I have not been updating my blog regularly, I know. Just too lazy and at times, I really don't know what to write. But today I am going to reveal some major happenings in my life these past few days.
First story: Crystle's tale
It's so horrible of me not to feature Crystle as often as last time but just so you know, she was having a bad experience with balding problem with the itch and rashes and all, so I mercifully took her out from my updates altogether till she gets better.
It took her months to recover from her ticks problem. It was entirely our fault for sending her to the vet later than we are supposed to. If only we have foreseen that the balding problem will follow suit if the ticks are not annihilated as soon as possible, she would have been able to kept her fur and keep making appearances for the past few months here.
Sorry, no pictures of the balding body. It's too ugly to be revealed. I think Crystle wouldn't want that if she can speak her mind.

Snapped on 18 November 2010. She is back to her happy self again!

Second shot

I ♥ this picture very much. One of the rare occasions when she actually looks at the camera.
Second story: Monopoly game sessions with mom and sis

Our (mom and me) first game together with handphone at stake!! (Just kidding. We don't gamble.)

The most coveted property of the board. Mayfair which rent can cost up to $2000 if a hotel is built on it.
Of course, we cannot end the game within the same day as we still have to do other things. So we played the same game for several nights in a row until the Banker is bankrupt (cash of $1 and $5 only can be seen in the bank). We are such great players that can afford to make the Banker goes BANKRUPT.
Third story: Breakfast at I Love Yoo, De Garden
The following are the events that happened today. Of course, what better way to start the day from the first meal of the day? IT'S BREAKFAST TIME, EVERYONE!!

If you are porridge lover, I think you will be salivating by now. I like the way they draw a star using soya sauce on the porridge. Look at the tempting yau char guai. Hmmm...

The larger picture.
Fourth story: At the hairdresser's for some periodic makeover
After breakfast, we hung around outside the closed/not-yet-open saloon because the owner was late. We waited for half an hour. Thank God we were not alone. There were four of us to accompany one another.

I don't know what this treatment is called but all I know is that through the mummification of the hair, the hair will volumise after that. By the way, that's mom's hair.

This is the result from the treatment. What do you think?
Fifth story: Lunch at Ding Hao, Jusco
Went to Jusco directly after beautifying our hair. As a matter of fact, I just trimmed. Nothing special, so no pictures.
The following pictures are three different kinds of dishes but they look the same.

Kam Heong Chicken Rice

Brinjal Rice. Eunice is always eating brinjal all the time.

Sambal Prawn Rice.
That's all for today. My final class ended last Friday and exam will be on Monday. My three years in college are well spent, I hope. The next challenge that I will embark on will be waiting for me up north. I put everything in God's hands. Can't wait to see His plans slowly unfolding in my life. :)
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