Dear Mrs. Ooi,
It was so sudden. I didn't expect to hear this bad news. I am sorry for not being able to say goodbye to you. You will always remain the best English teacher in my schooling life. May you rest in peace, Mrs. Ooi. I know you are looking at us now from heaven, free from pain and sufferings.
The only thing that I regret now is that I did not see you for the final time. The only things that will always remind me of you would be the memories I had in my primary years with you. I owe you so much yet I could never find a chance to repay you. I love you.
Till we meet again in eternal paradise.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
the note i will never be able to send..
all smiles..
Accidental work of art!
Deric is such an artist! Just a swift circular motion pouring the soya sauce into the porridge and this is what you get.
Say CHEESE! The porridge is smiling! Finally someone knows how worthy I am to be eaten.
Eh, but where is the nose?
*Yours truly boiled the porridge this morning and it still looks so delicious in the evening.*
What treasure could be hidden within this brown wrapper?
I will have to wait till tomorrow to find out.
a film writer, you say?
I don't even know whether I can write or not.
Another surprising result from Blogthings. If only this is true, I am on cloud nine right now!
I AM A FILM WRITER!! Producers, come find me and I will write a promising blockbuster for you. Hahaha...
You Should Be a Film Writer |
![]() You don't just create compelling stories, you see them as clearly as a movie in your mind. You have a knack for details and dialogue. You can really make a character come to life. Chances are, you enjoy creating all types of stories. The joy is in the storytelling. And nothing would please you more than millions of people seeing your story on the big screen! |
That's why I love Blogthings. The outcomes of the quizes make you feel so.... TALENTED. It's as though you can really achieve something. They help you build up confidence and make you believe that deep within you, there is a remarkable talent waiting to emerge.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
tnb building and crystle again..
Note: Please sign the petition at the sidebar if you care about the safety of bus passengers from all over Malaysia.
This is the first time I've been to dad's working place in Ulu Kinta. After working there for quite some time, it's only now that we had the chance to have a good look.
The gate to the building where all electricians came from
I love this picture. I don't know why. Probably it's because I love the droplets of water on the window while snapping the picture.
Here we are. Tenaga Nasional Berhad Cawangan Ulu Kinta!
Didn't go inside though. Wasted.
This morning, Crystle suddenly had the urge to wear some shoes.

I know my feet are too small. I am hinting you so that you will buy me shoes. I am a civilized dog, you know? I want the same design as this pair! Love them very much!!
If my mom sees this, you are dead! Stupid dog. Hahahaha...
Where is my dinner? I am so hungry I can eat a turkey!
What do you think you are doing? Sneaking in like a thief! Out you go! Your rice will reach you in no time. So, please wait or you will stay hungry.
Of course I didn't threaten her. She wouldn't understand me even if I did.
a twist of fate..
What will you do when one day, fate snatches your dreams away from you? All that you have, all your joy and laughter?
Life is so fragile that you cannot do anything if fate really turns its back on you. I feel angry sometimes when I read news about innocent lives being snatched away by irresponsible acts of other people. These people don't want to die. They want to live!
Bus accidents has been rampant since last year. What on earth happened? Are there more irresponsible drivers out there? Until today, I still have no answer.
When I got on the bus during the KL trip a couple of weeks ago, I was quite paranoid and prepared for the worst to happen. Hey, you cannot afford to be complacent when you have heard of so many accidents involving buses.
Just now, I came across Lee Nian Ning's blog. I could not go on reading simply because I knew a great girl like her would never be able to update her blog. Her happiness and her bright future had been snatched harshly away from her.
As I glanced through her posts, I knew she had so much ahead of her. So much that she was looking forward to it, striving hard to be a great doctor in future.
Just one unwanted twist of fate, her dreams are shattered. I don't know about you but I feel so much for her that I even put myself in her shoes. All I could see were sorrow, tears, pain, fear and lost of hope.
May you rest in peace, Nian Ning.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
guardian of the gates of giant..
Look at the red cushions at the entrance of Giant.
I purposely upload this picture to show people how ugly the decoration at Giant can be. I am not offended by the ugly decoration. Or rather the way they decorate their entrance.
There was this particular woman whose job is to guard the entrance and make-sure-no-one-snap-pictures kind of job approached me and said,
'Sini tak boleh tangkap gambar (You cannot snap pictures here).'
If she is so smart, why didn't she ask me to delete it right in front of her face? So annoying.
This is one fact I don't understand. Why can't we snap pictures in a supermarket? What if we want to promote the supermarket to the world? Of course we need pictures to show people what a haven it is to shop at Giant Ipoh!
I guess they don't want any new customers. Not that it's my business anyway. Anyway, for more beautiful and comfortable shopping environment, go to Jusco, Parkson, The Store, Tesco and not Giant. They have this lady guard who tarnishes their reputation badly. Speaking to customers as if Giant is made of gold when it's not.
If Giant is really made of gold, they won't even need to hire people like her.
dear pey shyan..
Once upon a time, there was a girl whom I have known since Form 3 and still keeping in touch.
Pey Shyan, I dedicate this entire post to you. You think I am joking? I am really going to write about you. To tell the whole world what kind of friend you are to me. Nervous? Nothing bad about you will be revealed here. Don't worry. All things will be good. Good nouns, good adjectives and certainly good words I will use to describe you.
I've been wanting to say this for a long time but I just could not seem to find the chance. I am not going to say how much I love and adore you because that won't be right. I am no lesbian. I am straight just like you. I just want to say I am grateful we met and became friends. How many friends have you met in your course of journey called friendship whom you have to say goodbye and never kept in touch later in life? I should say, everyone experiences that. Even I do. I am sure you do too. I hope our friendship won't be at its end too soon. We'll try to go out for more yum cha sessions and watch more gross movies together. Sweeney Todd is just a beginning.
We must find another trying-on-various-shoes day to expand your collection in your closet. Shoes are never enough. I admit I love shoes too and the only obstacle that I face is my RM closet is still not the pleasing amount that I had always wanted it to be.
I remember you love reading The Chronicles of Narnia. I know you love Shrek but you didn't have the courage to admit it in front of me simply because I am the so called Mrs. Shrek. I divorced him, remember? Anyway, the truth is that he died in a car crash. I am no longer Princess Fiona. Just Fiona.
You can stop calling me Mrs. Shrek/Princess Fiona now. :P
Back to your description. You are such a fun girl to hang out with and also a girl who has a small stomach. One day, we must go and eat lots and lots of food. On my expense, okay? You don't have to worry. You can eat all you want.
I volunteered to treat you simply because I know you can't eat much. Hahaha....
Just kidding. I am sincerely going to treat you regardless how much/little you eat.
What more can I say? I have to refrain myself from revealing your bad habits here (doubt I knew any of them) so I'll just stop right here.
The cow-drawings and scribbles during our immature years long time ago will never be forgotten. If you remember, that is.
Monday, January 28, 2008
during the chinese new year..
Chinese New Year is coming real soon. As this year is the Year of the Rat/Mouse (most shopping complexes say Mouse), wherever you go, whenever you are in Malaysia, you will see Mickey and Minnie Mouse dominating the decoration on stage, kiosks, etc.
Am I being forgetful or have they been using Disney characters all this while for commercial purposes to increase their Lunar New Year sales? I am talking about the shopping complexes. I could not remember seeing Pluto being decorated all over the stage or Piglet displaying on banners last year and the year before.
If they really did, I thought they did a wonderful job. The kiddos would be pestering their parents to buy things that have these Disney characters on them and before long, forcing their parents into bankruptcy. Hahahaha...
Just kidding. People don't get bankrupt just by buying things. I mean people won't buy till they drop, right? Shop till you drop is just a myth. It does not happen.
Here's a conversation I would imagine between a child and her mother after being hypnotised by the Disney imprinted items.
Child: Mommy, mommy! I want that bottle with the Minnie sticker!
Mom: No, sweetie. You already have one. I will buy for you when it's broken, okay?
Child: No! I want one NOW! Please mommy, please? *at this point, child attempts to cry with trembling lips*
Mom: Look here, sweetie pie. Be a good boy/girl okie? I will buy you some sweets.
*child brightens up a little*
Child: Okie dokie! I want the sweets with Mickey wrapper, can?
Children are such good 'promoters'. They will try all sorts of methods to prompt their parents to get them to buy things that they wanted. Or else, they will play the blackmail. You know, things that will embarrass the parents in public.
For example, throwing tantrum and crying and rolling on the ground in public like they are in a deserted island, when everyone's attention is locked upon them. This is an effective method and it's really practical. Parents would normally abide to their every want to get rid of further embarrassment.
Some kids, who are a little shy would never execute the throwing-tantrum-to-scare-parents method. Albeit being shy, they are also sly. This is what they would do. First, they would do the pestering and the sweet-talking to buy their parents' hearts. If mission is still not accomplished through this step, they would advance to the second step. What is the second method? They put up bitter expressions on their faces. I-dare-you-to-ignore-me that kind of thing. They will pull their faces so long that even the public would notice their foul expressions and starts questioning what really happened between the parents and the children.
So which type is your child? The daring one or the sly one?
Note: The above methods are merely my personal opinion. Children might not behave exactly how I imagined them to, so do not fire me, okay? I know there are angelic kids too! I am one of them. Haha!!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
miss chinese international pageant 2008..
The competition that I have been anticipating since last October is finally aired tonight.
Joanne Yew, who represented Malaysia, unfortunately, didn't win the crown. She's not even on the top five list. Not even top ten. At least she was in the top twenty three.
This picture was taken during her most victorious and sweetest moment when she was crowned as Miss Astro 2007 last October.
Throughout the show, all I did was examining their beautiful complexion and their long and nicely tanned legs. How I wish I have such slender figure! I wonder where they get such flawless skin.
Some people are just born with it.
Okay, who was crowned as Miss Chinese International 2008?
She was...
Saturday, January 26, 2008
sweeney todd: the demon barber of fleet street..
It was truly a bloody musical. Gory, gross and greatly disturbing.
Yes, I am talking about you, Sweeney.
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber Of Fleet Street
The synopsis of the story:
Benjamin Barker (starred by Johnny Depp) who comes out of prison after 15 years for crimes that he did not commit finally returns to Fleet Street under the pseudonym Sweeney Todd. The purpose of his return is to take revenge on Judge Turpin (starred by Alan Rickman) who takes his wife and daughter away from him and causes him his incarceration.
He meets Mrs. Lovett (starred by Helena Bonham Carter), a lady who is secretly in love with him, who lets him occupy the room above her pie shop. Soon, he turns the room into a barber shop. A shop like none other.
*synopsis ends here*
I think you better go watch the movie yourself. I could not write all the gross things here or else no one will visit this site ever again. Many died in the show and they became meat pies. No more elaboration. That sentence alone is horrifying enough.
What do I think of this movie? I will rate it 4.25/5.00. It was not too bad, really.
WARNING: This movie is not for the faint-of-heart. Don't say I didn't warn you. For those of you who want to watch it even if you have heart problems, go consult your doctor FIRST.
Friday, January 25, 2008
the sick phone..
I am getting frustrated. First, one of the rubbery thing at the bottom of the phone started to crack. Second, it fainted for the very first time the other day and I had to restart the phone to turn it on again. Now, it's the keypad that is giving me a problem.
Dear No. 7, why are you doing this to me? Why can't you stay at where you are just like the rest? Probably it's not your fault. pqrs hates me, I guess.
I tried putting it back into place hoping that it would stick but as soon as I tilt the phone upside down, Miss No.7 and pqrs fell so gracefully onto the table.
It's barely two years since I have you and you are leaving already? Tell me, what did I do wrong? Why did you die on me when I am facing the crisis of RMs?
You are not worth even RM100 now. Depressing, isn't it?
nian gao galore..
This is why I love the Lunar New Year so much! I can have some mouth-watering, absolutely irresistable nian gau. In BM, we call it kuih bakul. This favourite food of mine can only be obtained annually. Well, if you know how to make it then it's a different story.
Shelves and shelves of nian gaos! I want I want!
I wish I own the nian gao factory so that I get to eat them every day. I would then start producing them not annually, but daily so that everyone could enjoy such delight without having to wait for the Lunar New Year to come.
Come and get one! Buy one get one free! While stock last!!
Okay, she didn't really say that but her pose matched the caption. My sis is a fan of nian gaos too!
I am so going to get fat from eating too much. Don't be surprised if I gain so much weight that you can't even recognise me. It would all be the nian gaos fault!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
crystle the poser 2..
Pictures courtesy of Sapphire Blu. Crystle is a part-time model which is underpaid. Each time she poses, all she gets is a pat on her head and if she's a lucky, maybe a cookie or two.
But what you pay is what you get, right? This shows how poor she poses. Haha!!
I'm dreaming of a white ChrisTLE.
*It's ChristMAS, you doinky!*
Whee! A neck massage is just what I need. Ah, not too tight! I feel my nerves breaking apart. Help!!
* I won't kill you, sweetheart. I love you to DEATH!!*
I am the King of the Jungle! Look how lion-like my set of teeth is! Ggrrr..
*Yeah, right. They are so yellowish they need dental treatment. Now, let me help you. Anyone has pliers?*
I love the song Changing Partners. Let's start waltzing together. La la la..
*Your 'la la la' will bring the hurricane to Malaysia. Stop it!!!*
So that's the end of another photoshoot. She's currently lazing under the car trying to find some loose wires to bite. That's just what she does when she is out of job. As you know, modelling is not a permanent job. What more for a poor poser like Crystle?
retarded hibiscus needs lunch..
I saw a retarded hibiscus yesterday morning. I thought I would see a perfect flower but this is what I saw. How disappointed to see a lovely flower turned out to be so imperfect.
Look at the petals. Two of them were much smaller. It's such a depressing sight.
I think it's time to 'feed' the plant with fertilizers. They must be hungry after so many weeks of drinking tap water without consuming any solid food.
My mom had told me. I must not feed them too much or the plant shall die.
Monday, January 21, 2008
a bliss like never before..
I have never felt such bliss.
The joy of being able to spend more quality time with mom in KL was really a magnificent and breathtaking experience. Felt like going for another round. If life is like a Ferris Wheel, I am sure I will have the same chance to go for another ride.
Being away from home without dad tagging along. Being away from problems. Being away from worries. Isn't it great? However, it was all momentary and here I am, back in the comfort of home. The trip which was filled with so much challenges and excitement seemed like it happened ages ago. Time sure flies as it likes.
What did I do there? I ate, shop a little, ate some more, stood/sat in the LRT from station to station, had a really good look at the people from all walks of life jamming the trains after office hours and oh-well-my-memory-lapse-is-taking-a-toll-on-me. Can't remember anymore. All I knew is, I truly enjoyed myself.
The taste of being independent is wonderful.
Oops, there are no pictures here. Sorry! Too lazy to snap since I am being more hardworking in having the time of my life than to photograph each happy moment. I will need a video cam for that and sadly, I had no RMs to get one of my own.
You lot must be thinking that I am lying about this wonderful trip I had felt and touched and breathed.
I have some pictures (I didn't snapped them being the lazy me) but I am not posting it up. Reason? You know it better than me.
What? I think I can hear you cursing me. Since you want (desperately) to have a look at the beautiful pictures, go ahead. Just wait for a few days more because Sapphire Blu will be uploading the pictures soon. You can wait, can't you? =D
Signing off for the umpteenth time,
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
idiots everywhere!!
You are bound to meet people who are either disgusting, idiotic, annoying and the likes at some points of your life. Today itself, the wheels of misfortunes spun twice thus I met with two (idiots, fools or any bad nouns that you could possibly think of) within twelve hours. How 'lucky' can life be sometimes?
The story started off like this.
I went swimming with my mom and sis this morning. We were glad that there were not many people. Now that I thought of it, less people in the pool could be something bad too. There was one old hag possibly with a wort on his nose (I couldn't see clearly as I was quite a distance from him, FORTUNATELY!) with a belly as large as a seven-month-old pregnant woman sitting by the pool whom I think had wasted his entire life doing nothing but keeping his eyes on people who do not concern him swimming, enjoying or relaxing in the highly chlorinated water.
Then, he saw us swimming and he criticised the way we swam loudly as though he was deaf. Well, he must be since he could not control his volume when he speaks. You can imagine how loud he was. Throwing crude remarks at people you know was bad enough, what more to the people who were not even your acquantainces? What made him think that he had the right to judge the way we swim? Hey, we don't even know him! There is not even a single rule which says,
Thursday, January 10, 2008
long time no see, pool!!
Let me see, how long has it been since I have been swimming? It's been a while. No. Wait. It's less than one month ago in Malacca. It's not tha long ago, right?
Anyway, I'll be going for a swim later. It's necessary to shake off those rust which started forming in my brain.
Rust can cause brain damage so that's why I got so worried and desperately needed a swim before my brain malfunctions completely. Furthermore, I can also improves my coordination skills through swimming. It's like killing two birds with one stone.
Okay, I have blabbered enough. =)
Monday, January 07, 2008
just reminiscing about one of the sweet moments..
I woke up at 6 something this morning and went back to meet Alice in Neverland at 11 something. I am still feeling sleepy right now.
I promised to upload the picture of the three flowers so here it is.
I doubt you can see the Japanese rose. It's the little carnation-like flower on the left.
Below are some photos which were snapped on the last few moments before we bid farewell to everyone and exchanging good lucks for the forecoming STPM.
Speaking of STPM, I don't want to sit for it again. Once is more than enough. =)
Puan Ratan (maths teacher) and us
From left: Su Ping, Yee Leng, Kah Chan, Puan Ratan, me, Wai Leng and Xiao Wei

Sunday, January 06, 2008
i love flowers..
After searching high and low, far and wide, I finally decided.
I am sticking back to this template Initially, I was thinking about changing into a three-column template. Well, for fun.
Apparently I only fancy the ones for new bloggers but I still prefer using classic. Plus, I don't think it's a good idea to change into a new one since I am so lazy to copy and paste the links into the new template (which HTML codes I have to get use to all over again).
I have started planting some flowers at the balcony but this computer is a little crazy and couldn't detect the cable that I use to upload pictures. So will update later.
The flowers bloom today are not plenty but still pretty. To be exact, there are only three flowers. I can't wait for the buds to be fully grown so that I can see more flowers! =D
I think I am crazy about flower and mushrooms now.
Oh ya, I have not stated what flowers I have. I actually have three hibiscus plants (three colours: orange, pink and partial pink and white) and an orange Japanese rose plant (the flowers look more like little carnations to me).
And my reply was, ' Planting mushrooms.'
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
a new blog in town!!
There's a new blogger here in town! This entry is solely to promote her blog to the public. To check it out, please click on Sapphire Blu at the sidebar or here.
Who is she?
Why is her blog so significant?
I won't be answering that. My duty here is only as a promoter of her blog. If you want to know more, do not, I said DO NOT hesitate to visit her site. If you think her blog is not worth your time, you can always 'hentam' her with words from there. She has a Cbox, you know. If the Cbox is not enough for you to vent your anger, just leave her a furious comment. She welcomes all comments and messages because she said, 'Learning is a process in life.'
So, what are you waiting for? Go and pay her blog a visit!
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
happy 2008 everyone!!
*blink* *blink*
What? It's already January 1st??? Another month to my birthday. Heehee.
I have been trying to post this up here since midnight. Well, I refreshed the page a few times and in the end I gave up. The system was so jammed up! I guess everyone in the world who writes on Blogger planned to write at 12 a.m. to welcome the new year.
So, HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!
I don't list down my resolutions for the new year simply because I know I can't keep them. Why list when I am not disciplined enough to obey them?
I may say, 'I want to be a hardworking person and not a couch potato who does nothing but watching tv.' The next moment, POOF! There goes my resolution. I may keep it for a day or two and on the third day, Miss Lazy will come and stay for a long, long time.
If I were forced to write my resolutions, it'll be something like this:
- I promise to blog every month
- I will always eat so that I won't go hungry
- Er...
- What else??
- Well, I can't think anymore.
I am so bad at listing things down. That's another reason why I do not list my resolutions. I live just as I want my life to be.
I hope 2008 is a wonderful year compared to last year.
P/S: I still miss Saffy.