Movies are getting dull as I watch them. The euphoria I was anticipating after exam is just not here. Life is getting bored like it used to be two years ago.
That is the reason why I have been drowning myself into more and more work (not in the sense of house chores though). The work I am currently working on is a cross stitch project delayed since I received it as my birthday gift. There's also a 1000-piece puzzle which I am figuring out the easy way out to fix it.
I just received a message from my mom saying that Fitry just died. The cause of death is also unknown like Nana's. Something fishy is going on. Terrapins die easily this season. It's about time a forensic squad be established to investigate these mysterious yet sudden deaths.
Oh, by the way, turtles are fragile and their deaths will come unannounced. They are now facing a Fungus Crisis. I'm been trying my best to outdo them by using the ultimate weapon I could find.
It's a bottle of ANTI-FUNGUS LIQUID!
P/S: Fitry's obituary will be up next. It's a sad post and not something that you should look forward to. May Fitry rest in peace.
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
4 weeks ago
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