Another Valentine is about to end.
The difference between this year and last year was that NO mandarin oranges are thrown into the sea or river. Safe from pollution. =)
Another new day will begin tomorrow and someone GREAT will come to inspect the school. Hope everything goes well. I am sure the principal cannot sleep tonight thinking about tomorrow. LOL..
And I am going to sleep well tonight with the sudden change of weather. The clouds must be too tired of keeping all the moisture within them that they finally gave them in to gravity. It's like the earth is turning into a black hole pulling the water down onto earth, defying the CLOUDS. Poor cloudies! Their 'babies' are gone and they no longer look dark and gloomy. Now, they look more cheerful with their original colour, WHITE! I just love that colour!
The brief rain came and went just like that. I wonder why can't it last through the night. :/
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
3 weeks ago
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