Crystle is going for a swim.
Well, I guess not. The goggles doesn't fit.
She's still dreaming about her swimming fantasies.
On the day we came back from Malacca, a friend gave us a Christmas cake!
I want to stay there too.
We ate the cake, tried to bite on the decorations but apparently we couldn't. So, in the end, this is what my mom inspired.
(click on the picture for a larger view)
From a serious school trophy to a Christmas trophy!
P/S: I have a lot to blog about my Malacca trip yet I am lost for words. The post will come soon. How soon? Just SOON. Wait for it ya?
Saturday, December 29, 2007
my post-christmas..
Thursday, December 27, 2007
belated christmas wish..
Merry Christmas everyone!
Oops, it might be a little too late but it's the heart that counts right???
So, where have I been, you may ask? I've gone to Malacca during Christmas on the 23rd and came back yesterday. Yes, Duyun, I will update about my bored life soon. You want PICAS?? I will give you some. Here's one.
Pebbles and Princess wishing you a very Merry Christmas!
You like it, Duyun?? I know you do. Hehe...
Saturday, December 22, 2007
ruellia oh ruellia..
There are beautiful flowers blooming out of the corner of the kitchen cement.
That very corner is always wet with soap water and softener. Who could possibly think that these two chemicals become the fertilizers for the lovely flowers!
So what is the name of the purple beauties??
It's RUELLIA. Absolutely beautiful. God is such a great artist, don't you agree?
Saturday, December 15, 2007
rest in peace, mindy..
Mindy's funeral took place just now.
One of the pioneers of the Terrapin Kingdom had left the loved ones behind her. This great member of the family that we are talking about here is Mindy. With a personality so strong, she persevered throughout her feeble and weak life. No matter how many times she was on the verge of dying, she would always pull herself back together and keep on striving to live.
Mindy's new home
Departed on 15 December 2007
Leaving behind her closest friends and family
May you rest in peace
weak yet strong..
I told you. It's the Dying Season for the terrapins. Can you believe it that their chance to survive now is quite low? In this Dying Season, none are safe.
One of my mom's favourite has joined the rest of her heavenly friends this morning. Her name is Mindy. She had been my mom's companion for almost a year. Two weeks after she was brought home, she had a fell and twisted her neck. Ever since then, she had difficulty in eating and moving about.
However, my mom still loved her albeit her imperfection.
This morning, I received a message from my mom, carrying a very grave news. Mindy had returned home to be with the Lord for eternity. She died beautifully with a straight neck and it was no longer crooked like it used to be.
It was raining the morning she died. Even the sky was crying in sorrow. I recalled it was also raining after we buried Saffy. When I reminisced about Saffy, my heart feels heavy. I guess I know how my mom is feeling right now.
Mindy in a peaceful state
She was so tiny and light yet she had a strong will power to live on.
May you rest in peace, Mindy.
*photos of her burial will be posted up next*
Saturday, December 08, 2007
rest in peace, fitry..
Goodbye Fitry.
The lifeless Fitry
The burial place is the usual one.
Left her friends behind on 7 December 2007
Will be greatly missed by
Mork, N, Mindy, Kaka, Kiki, Dada,
Didi, Harry, Rayar and Aideel.
The owner:
And strangers:
Light and Missa
May you lead a happy life in paradise.
Friday, December 07, 2007
holiday activities..
Movies are getting dull as I watch them. The euphoria I was anticipating after exam is just not here. Life is getting bored like it used to be two years ago.
That is the reason why I have been drowning myself into more and more work (not in the sense of house chores though). The work I am currently working on is a cross stitch project delayed since I received it as my birthday gift. There's also a 1000-piece puzzle which I am figuring out the easy way out to fix it.
I just received a message from my mom saying that Fitry just died. The cause of death is also unknown like Nana's. Something fishy is going on. Terrapins die easily this season. It's about time a forensic squad be established to investigate these mysterious yet sudden deaths.
Oh, by the way, turtles are fragile and their deaths will come unannounced. They are now facing a Fungus Crisis. I'm been trying my best to outdo them by using the ultimate weapon I could find.
It's a bottle of ANTI-FUNGUS LIQUID!
P/S: Fitry's obituary will be up next. It's a sad post and not something that you should look forward to. May Fitry rest in peace.
Monday, December 03, 2007
movie marathon..
December is here. The most hectic month for movies!
I've been flipping through the Astro mag and there are a total of SIXTEEN movies ranging from HBO to Kirana that I want to watch. I've made a list:
- Just Like Heaven
- Cheaper By The Dozen 2
- John Tucker Must Die
- Failure To Launch
- The Wicked Lady
- The Troublemakers
- Stranger I Married
- Me Versus High Heels
- Letter Of Death
- You, Me And Dupree
- Just My Luck
- Pet Sematary
- Poseidon
- Pride And Prejudice
- Young Sherlock Holmes
- One Missed Call Final
By the end of the month, I think I will need a new set of television.
Friday, November 30, 2007
the day it ends..
It feels so surreal. I have never imagined life in Form Six had ended. I don't have to study for STPM anymore!
Yesterday was my final paper. Won't be elaborating on how I did in those horrible papers. For now, I just need a miracle.
I can't believe it. I remembered quite clearly the first day I stepped into my Form Six life last year. And I thought I had a long way to go. Now, the long way is well passed through.
I am so relieved. It's finally over. =)
Sunday, November 25, 2007
3 more papers to go..
I'll regain freedom once everything is over.
3 more papers to go!
The papers previously had been suicidal.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
rest in peace, nana..
It was really shocking to witness yet another departure of a loving family member of the Terrapins. Tragic. Gruesome. Totally unexpected death.
My mom was bathing the twelve princes and princesses of the Terrapin royalties when she noticed something was wrong.
Nana lost his sight! His left eye was shut tight while the other, you cannot even call that an eye anymore. All my mom could see was a hollow socket where the eye should have been.
Below is the picture of the stiff Nana.
Who could have done it? Mom was sure he didn't die a natural death. Her prediction was:
Why? Simply because he was still healthy the day before yesterday. He just can't die overnight, can he? So the best inference to his death is, HE IS MURDERED.
Time of murder was between 10.30 pm last night and early this morning. All his eleven friends are under suspect. Light, Missa and Sunnie are exempted as they have an alibi who is of course, ME.
Nana was buried near Nani and Nano.
Good bye, Nana. May you rest in peace.
Departed on 13 November 2007
Leaving behind his closest chums:
Mork, N, Mindy, Kaka, Kiki, Dada,
Didi, Harry, Rayar, Aideel and Fitry.
Also his beloved owner:
And three other strangers:
Light, Missa and Sunnie
He will be missed greatly.
It is very sad to hear about deaths. However, we must not fear death. I am sure Nana is having the best of his life now up in heaven. Just like the fun Nani, Nano and Saffy is enjoying right now. When our time is up, we can see them again.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
the greatest love story..
The meaning of true love. Not any other typical love story. It's a story between two sick terrapins which never left each other for another.
The kind of L.O.V.E. I am talking about is sisterly love. Don't think narrowly, okay?
Thursday, November 08, 2007
macam-macam crystle..
The desperate one.
I want to come out and join you all for Deepavali celebration!
That's our dog. Remember The Two Stupid Dogs cartoon? She has the potential to be the third one. She's so stupid. How can she get out through the gap? She thinks her body is as thin as paper, I guess.
A video made this evening which featured Crystle and her cod liver oil. The pill could not be seen so well, so just squint your eyes, okay? Hope you will enjoy the video. =)
Part 1
Part 2
P/S: All dogs have their own stupidity. There are no smart dogs, really.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
exciting day..
As soon as I opened the front door this morning, this is what I saw.
Oi, Crystle! Having a war ah?
She was desperate for shoes to bite I guess. Or was she showing off to her stray boyfriends how blissful her life is with the many varieties of shoes she can actually bite?
Look which wacko is trying to jump down from the building.
This is so random.
'Hey, Farhan! Snap my handsome face!' said the other Farhan.
I want to see some pictures!!
Lyn Yee and Fatin having a cat fight.
I am prettier! No, you are not! I am more gorgeous! Ouch! It's painful! Stop that!!!!!!!!
Eve and I outside the exam 'hall'.
Classroom actually. SMI's so, so poor. This school does not have enough halls.
Adele and Eve
The two other guys from USA1.
Two of the three thorns among the roses.
A picture with our beloved class/Economics teacher
Can you spot some orbs in this picture? Those whitish circles appeared even when there's no flash when the picture was captured. Paranormal phenomenon? I hope not.
One picture is not enough. Posers need more than that. =)
Our BM teacher and us.
He's a very smart-looking man. Not only smart-looking actually, he's really smart especially in solving problems involving psychology ones. This is what is needed by the students who feel constant stress in the blues of exam.
I'll definitely miss him.
After school, I went to Happy Valley which is located just opposite the school with Eve, Adele and Chin Hwa. They are crazy people, I tell you.
What do you think you are looking at? I am cool and you are not.
Dumb and Dumber
An expression worth millions of dollars!
Eve has gone mad.
She's trying to shoot herself at her temple. Someone call 999 please!
Okay, now she's cured. She's so happy to be a normal person again that she's smiling.
I became crazy too! We tried to kill each other. =D
Welcome back to sane city.
Welcome to Happy Valley! They have some promotions.
For a short period of time, I became the spokesperson for Happy Valley.
Going wacko again! Blur Evelyn and cross-eyed me.
Goldfish Eve and cunning-looking Adele.
Monday, November 05, 2007
puppy love..
I received these pictures recently and I can't believe that puppy love is not meant figuratively but literally as well.
This chihuahua was born in May this year in the northern Japanese city of Odate to the owner, Emiko Sakurada who said that the little fellow came into this world with a perfect heart-shaped pattern in his fur.
It's so cute!!
Love. So madly in love!
More hearts!!
Aw!! I have to hug him! Super cute!!
Here's a video of Heart-kun (yup, that's his name :D) and his owner!
My bro said that the pictures have undergone photoshopping but I do think they are real.
To those experts out there: Please tell me if it's true that they are photoshopped. I will be disappointed if it is true. :(
P/S: The truth hurts sometimes. So, please share your opinion with me. =)
Wonder how will Crystle look like if she were to be in love?
Just expand your imagination!!
Can you visualize it yet??
Click on the picture for larger image:
Hers is a smiley heart! More beautiful than Heart-kun's heart pattern. Hahaha...
Thursday, November 01, 2007
all about examination..
Six more days left and my school life in form six will be over (almost over for it'll only be completely over when the clock strikes 4 pm on the 29th November). Can't wait for the last day of school a.k.a. 7th November to come! =)
I have plans for myself after the exam. First of all, I want to complete any unfinished cross stitches and a puzzle which was supposedly be framed before my exam.
Look what procrastination has done to me!!
I've been delaying my work and the truth is, I don't know what is doing it. December will be the month when I will spend my time cross-stitching and reading and updating this getting-mundane-site. So when will it be the time for me to rest?
There's no such thing as resting when I have so much to do. Got to catch up with lots of things.
Stacked up lazily
On the dust-filled table
When will I ever touch them
I will never know
I just pray to God
That someday,
My heart will be able
To cherish the priceless treasure
Hidden within
Those pages of strings of words
I know it does not rhyme. But that's just what I am feeling now. My inference will be, the nearer it is to the examination date, the harder it is for me to concentrate. Why is it always like this???
I'm feeling so dejavu. It seemed that I had the same pre-examination stress in SPM and also PMR last time. Now, it has come back to "greet" STPM.
P/S: Quote of the day - "Examination is not the most accurate instrument to measure one's ability to learn as it only covers as little as a drop of salt water from the entire ocean."
So the question is, why does examination exist? The word with the big 'E' is still very strange to me.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
journey of harmony..
As good citizens of the world, we all need to do a charity or two. So, please click here to sign.
"Samsung is raising funds for 3 charity organizations in our endeavour to enrich the lives of other, less fortunate individuals. In this Journey of Harmony, YOU will determine the amount to be donated, in the number of signatures collected in an online petition."
It won't take an hour. Just a few seconds of your life.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
smells good but tasteless..
After two months plus, I finally found out what Crystle loves to eat.
She loves fried rice!
Not any other regular fried rice though. It needs to fulfill these qualites. First, the rice must smell good. Secondly, it is not necessary to be tasty. It doesn't matter at all to her if her rice is tasteless. As long as it smells good. She will finish her bowl of rice without leaving a single grain of rice behind.
Why didn't I think of this earlier? Then I don't have to waste so much rice previously.
What a weird creature. She prefers tasteless food than delicious ones.
Really can't stand her when she's like this. She thinks she's so gorgeous. Haha..
Friday, October 26, 2007
the sinkhole..
Finally I managed to locate this picture in my file. You could have seen the black and white version of this sinkhole but you cannot really see how it actually looked like.
You might say, 'Ceh, so shallow only. Small matter la..'
That is not the base. It's just murky water. If anyone falls into it, they can never come up again. Can you just imagine? 17 FEET!! Approximately the width of my house.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
goodbye tuition..
I didn't realise it was the last day of tuition until just now. Wow, I am still in September.
*slaps self to wake up and face the terrible reality*
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
my today..
That's what I have been doing while listening to extremely DULL speeches.
Been in the school hall for about an hour plus listening to speeches and lousy performances just to get a cert for having full attendance this morning. The school should at least give us money. The world today is realistic, no? Getting a cert for being present in school every day is not enough. I want money!!!!
In conjunction with the Co-curricular Day, there were exhibitions and junk food fair. The prefects were raising funds by selling Chipster, Jack and Jill and Mister Potato at prices much higher than supermarkets. So smart in business eh? Besides, these junks are hazardous to students, especially to us who will be sitting for major examination next month. So black-hearted of them. It's just like killing two birds with one stone.
Firstly, they can drill a hole in our pockets.
Secondly, they can actually deteriorate our brain compartment for knowledge.
The surprising thing was, teachers were the ones buying those junks. Students are smart enough to stand firm and not to fall into temptation. So, who are the wise ones now? Hehe..
One of my friends said rather proudly, 'I eat junk food most of the time. I just don't care.'
Yeah, just wait till you are old and bent then you will suffer the hazards of it.
Today is a truly a dull day. There were only 6 people in my class as the other 7 went for their MUET speaking test.
Well, I did do some exercises though. Mom, I didn't waste my time at school. =D
Monday, October 22, 2007
one of my favourites..
by: KissVersion
I just can't understand the ways
Of all the men and their mistakes
You give them all your heart
And then they rip it all away
You told me how much you loved me
And how our love was meant to be
And I believed in you
I thought that you would set me free
You should've just told me the truth
That I wasn't the girl for you
Still, I didn't have a clue
So my heart depended on you, whoa
Although I'll say I hate you now
Though I'll shout and curse you out
I'll always have love for you
Because I am a girl
Been told a man will leave you cold
Get sick of you and bored
I know that it's no lie
I gave my all, still I just cry
Never again will I be fooled
To give my all when nothing's true
I won't be played again
But I will fall in love again
I loved you so
Now you leave me in the cold
How could this be
I thought that you'd only love me
Into the night
I will pray that you're alright
You hurt me so
I just can't let you go
You took advantage of my willingness
To do anything for love
Now I'm the only one in pain
Will you please take it all away
Never thought being born a girl
How I can love you and be burned
And now I will build a wall
To never get torn again
(CHORUS) [2x]
Sunday, October 21, 2007
promo tour and bukit bendera pictures..
Yesterday, I went to Tesco Extra to see three TVB actors and actress namely, Steven Ma, Christine Ng and Wayne Lai. I was there to accompany See Mun who had just come back from KL so I was actually being a very good friend. =)
Before their arrival
We were early enough to stand in front so we managed to capture from a good angle.
From left: Wayne Lai, Christine Ng and Steven Ma
Another picture of them
The host for the promo tour, Vivian.
There are many more pictures but I am too lazy to upload them.