i don't know why but i knew i had this weird feeling yesterday..after the dissection of frogs..i felt suffocated..maybe i can say that it was as if i was the one being dissected..anyway, i was just so glad i didn't dream of onggy last night..that was what syaz named the frog..the dead frog..it was funny why i felt that way..the moment i pint it onto the board, the feeling started..i never knew i could have feelings for amphibians..not until yesterday..i didn't tell anyone about this though..they might think me weak..so whoever reads this, please do me a favour..never ever breathe a word..shhh....i want to keep it just here..
today i did my oral..i don't think i did that well..i was TREMBLING!! my knees are shaking and so are my hands..my heart was pumping so hard i was so afraid it might come out..i tried to control but my voice sounded shaky and i knew puan nalini realised that..my marks will definitely go down..
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
3 weeks ago
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