the visit to the salvation army boys home wasn't as i had expected it to earliest opinion was that all the boys there are well-behaved and can be really shy..but..this opinion was shattered when i reached there and started interacting with them..however, not all of them are mischievous as i can see there are yet still some other older boys who truly treated us as guests..
major leong was very friendly and he told us all about the history of the salvation army and the its development so far..
what i actually found out from these boys are that they are not the very fortunate ones as they are either orphans or from broken of the happiest moments i had there is when i started getting to know them better and had a great fellowship with them while experiencing their speedy meal..they can just eat so FAST..i think it only took them about two minutes to finish a plate of noodles before having a second or third helping..what about the cleaning up?? we helped them for the day but on ordinary days, according to one of the boys, they have to do the cleaning i guessed that they were very pleased with our visit there as they can do less work for the day..we snapped loads of pictures for our moral project and how i just wish i can go there again for another visit..
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
3 weeks ago
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