school will reopen pretty soon and i am not even sure of the exact it on the 3rd or 4th jan? i mean i am excited to to go back to school to meet my friends, but to study.....i don't think i am prepared to face homeworks and all..holidays after all are still spoiling me, i i wish i can control the speed of time..the cruel and unforgiving time..then, i will have no more regrets..
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
4 weeks ago
2 wrote a note:
it's January 3rd :(
but lets berpakat and tell the school we thought the real date was on 4th Jan and turn up the next day .. hehe ..
I'm not so eager about going back too :( ..
yeah..but better not..after we'll be chased by puan nalini..heehee
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