Being at work caused my neglecting of this poor blog. That's why I am here now, stealing another secret moment away from the other commitments I am supposed to be attending to. Caressing this blank template with the gentle tap of each carefully thought of alphabets which mean something when harmoniously strung together with spaces in between. Does it even make sense? Sometimes, my mind wanders to Nothingness, a place where absolutely nothing exists, somewhere even words fail to reach so I just come up with the first sentence that comes to my fingers - maybe it comes from my brain after all. How else would my fingers know which alphabet to type first?
So what do I want to say? There is no particular topic to write about, unless you would like to know my daily routine from Monday to Friday, which is a copy of one another, week after week. Weekends are more interesting, sometimes, if I decide to stay away from hibernation. With music plugged in my ears, I am inspired to write a short story. Something dark, something funny with a hint of mystery perhaps? Let me mull over it for a period of time before I share it here. If it really happens, I might consider to do more stories.
The urgency of reality has awoken me. Here is when I have to say goodbye for now.
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
3 weeks ago