Beautiful Sunday today! I went to church this morning and there was a special speaker.

I also took a new route to go to the plaza since it was nearer. Thanks Azimah for teaching me this safe and time-saving route.

My lunch. Where is the sotong??

We can't choose which memories to keep and which not to. They'll be locked up in our hearts whether we like them or not.
Beautiful Sunday today! I went to church this morning and there was a special speaker.
When I read the synopsis/story line of Red Riding Hood (2011) the movie, I think it is not like the fairy tale I used to know when I was little.
The story of Red Riding Hood the movie
Read from source: Red Riding Hood the movie is аbουt a young woman walking through thе hushed snowy woods wearing a brіɡht red cape, ѕhе hears еνеrу sound аnԁ imagines thе wοrѕt; looking over hеr shoulder terrified bу whаt іѕ out thеrе, following hеr.a ѕtοrу more fοr grown-ups thаn fοr children, thе photo above sets thе mood fοr thе nеw telling οf a very οƖԁ tаƖе.
In “Red Riding Hood,” Seyfried plays Valerie, a bеаυtіfυƖ young woman torn between two men. Shе іѕ іn Ɩονе wіth a brooding outsider, Peter (Shiloh Fernandez), bυt hеr parents hаνе arranged fοr hеr tο marry thе wealthy Henry (Max Irons)
In “Red Riding Hood,” Seyfried plays Valerie, a bеаυtіfυƖ young woman torn between two men. Shе іѕ іn Ɩονе wіth a brooding outsider, Peter (Shiloh Fernandez), bυt hеr parents hаνе arranged fοr hеr tο marry thе wealthy Henry (Max Irons)
Aѕ thе death toll rises wіth each moon, Valerie bеɡіnѕ tο suspect thаt thе werewolf сουƖԁ bе someone ѕhе Ɩονеѕ. Aѕ panic grips thе town, Valerie discovers thаt ѕhе hаѕ a unique connection tο thе beast–one thаt inexorably draws thеm together, mаkіnɡ hеr both suspect…аnԁ bait.
Red Riding Hood Movie comes out іn 2D аnԁ IMAX formats οn March 11,2011
* Genre: Drama, Fantasy
* Starring: Amanda Seyfried, Shiloh Fernandez, Julie Christie, Gary Oldman, Lukas Haas, Virginia Madsen
* Director: Catherine Hardwicke
* Writer: David Leslie Johnson
* Producer: Alex Mace, Jennifer Davisson Killoran, Julie Yorn, Leonardo DiCaprio, Michael Ireland
* Distributor: Warner Bros. Pictures
* U.S. Release Date: March 11,2011.
More information/Continue reading on:
Back home once again! My day seems pretty routine so there is less and less things to write. Don't worry! I will still cook up something for your interest.
I think my stomach is getting bigger. No, I don't mean the belly. I mean the organ in my body. I seem to have pretty good appetite these days. Like today, I eat rice, vege, fried chicken wing, porridge, kuey teow, apples and bananas. To compensate this gluttony, I had porridge and cold chicken salad and more apples for dinner. Still more than what I usually eat back at home in Ipoh. I wonder at the wonder of my stomach.
While I am updating the guests' data in the boutique, I realise I have not captured a picture of the interior.
The products sold in the boutique displayed in their respective shelves.
I have pasta and a few pieces of chicken for lunch plus some apples and watermelons. This is the first time I see apples after training for more than three weeks here. It is not very busy today too but the bookings start coming in after the rain starts. I guess people just want to do something even if they cannot go out for outdoor activities.
For 8 to 4 shift, I will usually stay till 5pm so I can eat my dinner (consisting of chicken rice, the same fried chickens like afternoon) and leave. I come back by van today. Nathan is as usual late and he gets impatient when Evol asks him to wait for another friend on her way from Golden Sands. He seems bad tempered but he does wait for that friend. He just likes to put on a tough facade.
I come back dreaming of a wonderful hot shower after battling with the rain outside and find this:
This is so disgusting!!!!!!!!!!! Milo stain (seems to be splashed onto the floor on purpose).
I don't know what the couple who have just recently moved in do inside the toilet. Do they think it is a kitchen sink? Unwanted Milo should be poured into the kitchen sink, not on the bathroom floor!! Eew.
Working 10-6pm tomorrow. I think I will be officiating my Ibumie Perisa Asli for breakfast! :)
I don't know why I am feeling so sleepy. There is nothing much to do at work and I come back home by van. Not much energy used yet I am sleepy. I guess this is what happens when you do too little things. You tend to feel sleepy. I wonder if there are any reservations now at the spa. When I left, there is only five.
Snapped a picture of the Rasa Pool next door to the Spa. It's beautiful.
Don't you feel like taking a dip?
Currently reading The Time Traveller's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger and the story is intriguing. Much better than the movie. It's good that people don't time travel. It will be so sad to leave your loved ones behind for don't know how long before you can go back to them.
Tomorrow 8-4pm shift again and then on Friday is 10-6pm. I love morning shifts because I can online at night. :)
I have a new friend at the spa today! She is another trainee from Spice Market Cafe (SMC), a cafe where everyone has their complimentary breakfast every morning. It is therefore a busy place to work in. So she came into spa and finds it relaxing. That makes me more prepared to work in the busy hours of F&B department.
The work schedule has changed since there is now another trainee in the spa.
This is the new timetable till end of January.
26 Jan (Wed): 8-4pm
27 Jan (Thu): 8-4pm
28 Jan (Fri): 10-6pm
29 Jan (Sat): 3-11pm
30 Jan (Sun): OFF DAY!! - I won't miss the special speaker after all!!! Hallelujah!!
31 Jan (Mon): 3-11pm
I wonder if tomorrow will be a busy day. Hmmm, I shall see.
I just have to praise God again and again for all the wonderful things that He has done. I was thankful enough for a Sunday off yesterday and now He's giving me another one. I guess He just didn't want me to miss the guest speaker coming Sunday.
There will be a new trainee at the Spa Department starting from tomorrow till the end of February. I am happy because I will have a new friend and the rest of the staffs have another helping hand. I really pity that department. It is sort of abandoned for the time being since the manager is on maternity leave. Miss Angel, I hope to see you soon!!
Had rice and assam fish curry and some wedges as well as green vege for lunch. Oh and not to forget about the chicken too. It was delicious. For dinner, they have green chicken curry and I took a portion of those, more wedges and some cold salad. So many varieties! I get to make my own ham sandwiches too but I was lazy.
Tomorrow will be working from 10-6pm again! It's laundry day too!
P.S. I have watched a DVD entitles A Golden Christmas. It was a slow but heartwarming story. The Retriever was so cute!!
Attended another Sunday service at Penang Christian Centre again. Unlike last week, I was more noticeable this time as I volunteered to sign the guest form. No one approached me asking me if I was new last week. I do look like a regular there somehow. This is what happens when the church is too big. Hehehe...
Today I received my first tip of RM5 at work! So happy!! I will remember this guest forever. Hahahaha..
The story started off like this. She came for her treatment and after she was done with it, she asked whether the boutique sells things and I told her, yes and informed her that she was entitled 20% discounts on all the retail items if she purchased anything after treatment. So she went in and got quickly interested in various items. As I was still unclear about the pricing of some of the products, I consulted Zaki and continued serving the guest, informing her about products and prices. She bought several items such as essential oil and incense holder with CD set and I packed for her.
After the billing was done, she asked me whether I was a Chinese. I told her I was (Don't I look like one?). Then she asked me further about my training and what my plans were after this and she laughed when she asked me what department was it the one I was currently in to which I replied, "The Spa Department".
Now that I come to think of it, no seniors of mine has been to the Spa department. It's funny.
Then before she left, she handed me a RM5 bill, thanking me for my patience while she was purchasing items from the boutique. Mrs. Jenny Clarke, I will remember you as the first person who had given me a tip.
I was a vegetarian today because I ate vege mutton curry and dhal with briyani rice for lunch. Then in the evening for dinner, I switched to white rice because briyani rice was fattening.
First time working from 10am to 6pm. Time flies pretty fast in this shift. I like it. My walking routine has begun and I feel refreshed each time after walking. Thank God for the strength and energy. :)
I printed out the promo letters for today and took in some reservations. That's what receptionists do. The only thing that I need to learn more is about the different payment methods and how I should print the bills if guests have room package, vouchers and so on.
In the evening, Melissa and Amelia came with a cheese cake. They said it was especially for Spa department only. Hehehe!! Thank you so much for the delicious cake!
Zaki officiating and cutting the cake.
Had white rice + chicken + some fish fillets for lunch and dinner. I don't know why I find the food delicious up till now. I am still not bored of the food yet.
Last day of working for the week tomorrow! Can't wait for another Sunday service at PCC!! :)
Happy Thaipusam to those who are celebrating it!! Today is supposed to be my off day but due to lack of people at the spa, I need to work today. I praise God for this because I get Sunday to be my off day. So happy!!
Last night, I printed out the reports for closing at the spa and I have to keep referring to my notes for the steps. In due time, I hope I will be able to remember without referring to notes. Even the pricing and duration of the treatments are still a blur to me. I thought of a great idea. I put a price list next to the telephone so whenever guests call to ask, I will be able to give a prompt reply. So clever of me, right? Hahahaha!!!!
Was thinking going to buy food from the Indian stall today but since it's Thaipusam, I doubt it will be opened. So I got to satisfy my stomach with Cintan noodles only. :D
I am working 3-11 shift today and it is also the day when I will see Melissa last. All the best to her when she returns to Indonesia for her studies.
Today will be my last day having 3-11 shift. Then starting from Friday, I will begin my walking routine once again. 10-6pm. Awesome shift because I get to have my lunch and dinner at the hotel.
My shift from 16-31 January:
16 Jan (Sun): 3-11pm
17 Jan (Mon): 3-11pm
18 Jan (Tue): 3-11pm
19 Jan (Wed): 3-11pm
20 Jan (Thu): OFF DAY!
21 Jan (Fri): 10-6pm
22 Jan (Sat): 10-6pm
23 Jan (Sun): 10-6pm
24 Jan (Mon): 10-6pm
25 Jan (Tue): 10-6pm
26 Jan (Wed): 10-6pm
27 Jan (Thu): OFF DAY!
28 Jan (Fri): 10-6pm
29 Jan (Sat): 10-6pm
30 Jan (Sun): 10-6pm
31 Jan (Mon): 10-6pm
My off day had been changed from Friday to Thursday for these two weeks. And I get off day on Thaipusam! Hehehe!!!
Yesterday was also not busy and there was a guest who called up about the Energising Massage promotion which I didn't know about the details. I was fortunate there was no female therapist available on the slot that he wanted so he didn't ask in detail about the treatment. Phew! I really need to learn everything from the menu, inside out. It's not easy though. I think the best way is to learn from my mistakes. :P
The dinner at the cafeteria was fantastic! They have my favourite ayam masak merah which made me went two rounds of rice. As a result, I got so bloated that I regretted a little for eating too much. Till when I came home to sleep, I still felt bloated. Actually up to now. I don't feel hungry at all!
Will go out to my new favourite Indian stall to get some bites. Yummy!
Unlike Sunday's shift, yesterday was not as boring since there were treatments at night. Tomorrow will be my last day of 3-11 shift until don't know when and will be having Thursday as my off day for two weeks. The work schedule comes out once a fortnight so I have to wait to know what is in store for me next month. :)
From Friday onwards, I will be working from 10-6pm.
Went out to buy my favourite bihun from one Indian stall nearby for lunch and on the way there, I saw this cute little black puppy walking about on the side of the road. It was a really shy dog.
Too bad I could not snap the face. It's really, really cute! Felt like bringing it back home but Tina will definitely kick me out if I do that. Hehehehe!!
Another shot of the doggie
I realised that I don't have enough time now since I work 3-11pm. I think it's because I usually online at night and now having to wake up early to face the computer is a little bit difficult for me being a night person.
Anyway, let's get back to yesterday. Since I am working in the afternoon shift, I decided to go to Penang Christian Centre for their service which started at 10am. My journey there was smooth. No more 'sesat' problem like the Wesley Church incident. Again, I tried to locate Wesley on the way to PCC but I could not. It's good that PCC was so obvious so I knew where to get off the bus.
When I reached there, I just followed the people into the congregation. After climbing a series of stairs, I finally reached my destination. The service was held on the fourth or fifth floor I am not too sure. But everything was awesome. The service was great!
Pastor Isaac Chan giving his sermon
Being my first time there, I recorded a gist of the worship session. They have a violinist and several keyboards.
It was like a mini concert with dancers dancing along to the music for God. AWESOME!!! The presence of God was really strong.
At around 12pm, I went back and ate at an Indian stall near my apartment. Wanted to eat the bihun but too bad, it was sold out. So I had to make do with a roti canai and a glass of warm water.
My lunch
I came down at 2.07pm to wait for the van to fetch me to work but then it still wasn't here till 2.26pm. So I called the van driver and he said he came at 2pm and waited for 5 minutes. Oh no! I had to walk. Reached the hotel at 2.40pm. It's a record-breaking time! Usually I took 20 minutes but I don't understand where the 5 minutes had gone. Praise the Lord for the strength to walk. :)
Today, I am definitely going to wait for the van earlier around 1.50-1.55pm. He told me he's coming at 2.05pm today.
Before that, a couple of lost pictures from the beach.
Lynn and me
Ju Dee and me
I have been working from 3-11pm for the past two days hence the lack of update. I did banqueting yesterday and the day before that, I was getting worried about my shoes tearing apart during working hours since banqueting required a great deal of walking. So off I went to Prangin Mall to get a pair of flat shoes.
The bus driver of Rapid 101. All the Rapid drivers look really cool with their shades and jackets on.
Have you seen a snake and a hamster being friends? I couldn't believed it until I watched this video.
They look so cute together! The cat is jealous because it could not eat the hamster. Hahaha!!!!
Orientation was over! We had mi goreng mamak for breakfast and it was so addictive! I took two plates.
I don't usually eat noodles like this but this was too delicious! How do they cook everything till so tasty? I really wonder.
Not long after that, we had lunch.
Ayam percik (I think) and some rice and vege.
More talking after lunch time and then it was later in the evening that we get to go to some parts of the hotel such as Chi The Spa (the department I am currently in), Rasa & Garden Wings rooms, as well as Spice Market Cafe (SMC). I was shock to learn about the seafood buffet cost around RM151 per pax in the cafe. Freaking rich people!!!
Something that I did not anticipate to get after the orientation. A certificate! Such a beautiful cert!
I got Orientation for two days (today and tomorrow) so that means I only resume work on Thursday. Tomorrow we will tour the hotel. So excited!!! Got to know about the Orientation only after I came back from work last night so it was pretty last minute.
I was in middle shift today (12-8pm) and so I had my lunch and dinner at the hotel. I love today's meals. Now that I look at the pictures again, I feel hungry.
There was an issue at work today. A therapist called in sick an hour before a treatment was supposed to start. Everyone got into a state of panic as there was no other therapists available during that time. Fortunately, the situation was resolved when some guests after being talked to, agreed to adjust their appointment time and some even cancelled last minute. Praise the Lord.
Walked back from work with Ju Dee and Bernice and we went for a swim after that. It was just fantastic. The pool was a haven! Then when I came back and showered, the shower head came off and now all I can see was a hole in the head. No more nice pattern showers. :(
There was an alteration to my shift and tomorrow I will be working from 12-8pm and will start my 3-11pm shift from Tuesday.
Thank you Lord for a smooth-sailing week.
There was nothing much to do today as there were quite few bookings today. I walked out of the spa to pass the reminder card to one of the guests. I could not find her as she was clad in bikini. Good thing she waved and I recognised her instantly.
I was supposed to work till 4pm but I came back late from work because was busy putting more input into the brain. Hehehe!!
There is just so much to learn!!! I need to work hard remembering all the treatments so I can give explanation to guests. One guest asked me a question which I can answer and I was so glad.
"Which is the cheapest treatment here?"
I just need to look at the figures and point it out to her. Phew!
My breakfast for today.
I was at home most of the time in the day and only went out to Gurney Plaza at 5pm. I had no problem going there as the bus arrived shortly after I waited. I took the 101 Rapid Penang and the driver stopped at the intersection between the road to Persiaran Gurney and Burma Road. Oh, so 10 does not stop in front of the plaza. I will take that into mind. Anyway, it was just a short walking distance to the complex.
I took my shoes to Key and Shoes Trading where they duplicate keys and repair shoes. The glue of the base of my court shoes seemed to be coming off so I asked the man if there was any way that will my make my shoes last longer. Then he told me that he would put some screws into the base and that would cost me RM15. I had to wait an hour for the shoes to be ready though. So to kill time, I went to eat at Gurney Drive.
The wan ton noodles was delicious!
Went back to the plaza at around 5.56pm and I tried my luck to see if my shoes were ready. Yes, they were! But I was slightly disappointed that he only charged me RM6. You must be thinking I was crazy to be disappointed over such a major discount. Well, if there was a discount, that meant he couldn't fix my shoes as planned. He said he could only put a screw on the right shoe so he couldn't guarantee how long that will last. It's all right though. I can always go back there to repair. :)
I faced yet another adventure while waiting for the bus back to Batu Ferringhi. I sat at the busstop in front of the plaza confidently thinking that a bus was SURE to pass by within minutes. After about ten minutes of waiting, a couple with a boy in a pram came and asked me whether the bus stop was where they should wait for a bus to Batu Ferringhi. Still being the confident me, I said yes and they waited together with me. There was a taxi driver who wanted to fetch the couple to Batu Ferringhi saying there was no bus to Ferringhi from where we were waiting. I began to suspect I waited at the wrong bus stop but I stayed put.
Half an hour passed. There was still no bus in sight.
I felt there was something wrong. It couldn't be that long. So I told the couple to follow me to the opposite of the road where the bus dropped me off and waited at the bus stop there. Sure enough, a bus came shortly. Praise the Lord for wisdom in taking the right bus at the right bus stop! :)
It was already 7.35pm when I reached the condominium. Phew! Finally!
I managed to capture this picture of Hydro Hotel because many foreigners got onto the bus from here. So the bus stopped quite long here. :)
Mom sent me this picture of Crystle. Why does she look so much cuter now? Is it because I have not seen her for a week? Probably so. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!
I enjoyed working today. Maybe it's because it was not that busy. I wonder how Saturday and Sunday will be like. Surely there will be a lot of guests going for spa. Tomorrow will be my off day and I will be going to Gurney Plaza to repair my shoes since it is going to fall apart in the next few weeks. RM2 to go there and RM2 to return. RM4 just to go to a plaza. I must get the Rapid card if I ever work in Penang.
Found an interesting video just now. The man talks like a radio.
I have gotten used to the life at Chi Spa. My job today was fairly simple as well. I have my own motto to de-stress myself. Take things easily and do not put too much pressure or else the guests will be pressured. Hahaha!!!
I saw a fat lizard entering the cupboard in the pantry somewhere in the evening! I got more cautious about opening it after that. Eew!! Hope I don't see it tomorrow.
Wanna have a sneak peek of the spa?
Here you go. The view from the reception.
The ceiling shaped like a pentagon signifying the five elements of Chi.
My shift until Jan 15:
Jan 6 (Thursday) - 8am-4pm
Jan 7 (Friday) - OFF DAY!!
Jan 8 (Saturday) - 8am-4pm
Jan 9 (Sunday) - 8am-4pm
Jan 10 (Monday) - 8am-4pm
Jan 11 (Tuesday) - 8am-4pm
Jan 12 (Wednesday) - 3pm-11pm
Jan 13 (Thursday) - 3pm-11pm
Jan 14 (Friday) - OFF DAY!!
Jan 15 (Saturday) - 3pm-11pm
I kind of enjoy working in different shift because I get to experience working at different times of the day. :)